- Unisex AO
- Face Animator
- Ears Animator
- Blink
- Tail Animator
- Dinkie Camera
- Ground Sit
- Photo Option
- Height Adjuster
Just add it and move it to a place on your screen you like.
Can be extended to change the status of the animators.
To make proper use of the height adjuster & ground sits feature
RLV(a) needs to be enabled!
For more infos about RLV(a) see the FirestormWiki or the Catznip FAQs
But it is supported by the most 3rd Party viewers, like Firestorm, Cool VL, Genesis...
But is RLVa safe? Yes, it is! See Catznip FAQs for more infos.
If you still don't want to enable it -> Ground sits & height adjuster will not work as designed.
All other features (AO, Animators [Face, Tail, Ears, Blink], Cam & Photo Option) will still work fine!
The standard Dinkie tail can't be animated.
Also the free bento tail from Etheria doesn't work!
You need the Dinkie kitty supertail, which is sold by Etheria Parrott (you can find it also in my store),
to use the tail animations.
The UniSex AO
is based on the free ZHAO-II, but modified.
Plays 24 Stand, 9 Walk & Swim & Fly animations
Optimal Hover Height (https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Hover_Height) for the AO is 0.015 to 0.020
! AO will set the height automatically if RLV(a) is enabled in your viewer !
* Click to toggle on / off
* The 'Menu' (gear wheel) button options are:
Walks: Lets you choose a 'Walking' animation.
9 walking animations inlcuded (!)
Lets you load an animation config notecard.
Two notecards are included already:
1. Default - All animations are included
2. P3Stands - Only Prio3 stand animations are chosen
Next Stand:
24 stand animations included
Cycles to the next 'Standing' animation, or a random 'Standing' animation, based on random/sequential setting (see below). On the random setting, this may end up choosing the same 'Standing' animation that's currently playing
Selects whether 'Standing' animations are cycled randomly or sequentially
(in the order specified in the config notecard)
Stand Time:
Lets you change the time between auto-cycling 'Standing' animations.
0 turns off stand auto-cycling / 30 seconds is recommend default
Settings: Displays the current settings
Help: Gives you the help notecard (! more details about the AO can be found there !)
Reset: Resets the scripts
The Face Animator
Click to toggle on / off.
Plays 30 face animations (random time, random duration and random animation)
Sometimes it takes some seconds after click to toggle the face animator to off - just be patient
The Ear Animator
Plays 6 ear animations (random time and random animation)
4 states - click to toggle
The Blink Animator
Click to toggle on / off.
There is already a blink option in the Dinkie body
But I like mine version better :-) it is more random, IMHO more reliable and can be disabled by one click
(nice for photos)
If you want to use the "Dinkie build-in" one, just disable the blink in the HUD (red)
If you want to use the HUD one, remove the blink script in your dinkie body
(make sure to keep it in your inventory - backup is always a good idea :-)
The Tail Animator
Click to toggle on / off.
Plays 25 tail animations (random time and random animation)
The standard Dinkie tail can't be animated.
Also the free bento tail from Etheria doesn't work!
You need the Dinkie kitty supertail, which is sold by Etheria Parrott (you can find it also in my store),
to use the tail animations.
The Dinkie Camera
Click to toggle on / off.
Fits the camera view to your dinkie size
The Ground Sits
Click to choose one of the 6 ground sits.
Use the button again and choose 'STOP' to end the sit animation !
Make sure to enable RLV(a)! (see IMPORTANT above)
The Photo Option
26 face expressions to choose from.
Stop the face animator first !!! (click it - it will turn red)
Click the camera symbol and choose the facial expression
Facial expression will stay till you press "Stop"
- if you choose different animations they can mix if you don't press "Stop" between them
if you want to be sure to have the pure expression press "Stop" or choose the "Reset" animation
"END" will end your session :-)
The Height Adjuster
Can be use to change the height of your Dinke easily.
Make sure to enable RLV(a)! (see IMPORTANT above)
Heigt for "own" can be set in a notecard inside:
Enter your own height in the FIRST line (line 0) of this notecard
Default is 4.2, which will set the height to 0.042
Just replace the 4.2 with your own wanted value.
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